Monday 5 April 2010

Spanish Strategy

My trip is getting ever closer (going on thurs). When i booked the trip the main intention was to get some routes done and get a bit fitter, lie in the sun etc... After my recent increase in form in the Cave however i have started thinking that if i pick the right route i could maybe do something tricky. It would be nice to get fitter but i hope to be working when i get back so what exactly am i trying to get fit for? Diamond season isn't til mid August after all. I will play it by ear but if i think it could be productive to spend most of the trip on one or two routes that's what i'll do. I'll have a fun trip whatever! Good forecast for Spain. Hopefully i'll get a glance of Sharma's bulge (will report back on that one). Maybe i'll get on this route again, very Cave like (but easier moves):


  1. get yourself on something at Finnestra, I don't know where to start in explaining how much better the routes and rock are.

  2. cheers for the input though!

  3. I hear Sharma is in the Red River Gorge.

  4. Finnestra isn't that damn high is it? The left hand end (some really good 7c ish things here), is fairly short.
    Tenebres is fairly long but the route I had in mind at Finnestra was far from a pump fest. Fairly steady route to a boulder problem on the headwall. Thought it'd suit you down to the ground.

  5. Cheers Paul i'll check it for sure!
